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This Art Decor Interior Design Project Will Blow Your Mind

Filled with sweet nothings and pastel tones, this art decor interior design project is just as sweet as cotton candy. Called Sweet Dreams by Nuria Alia Studio, this amazing art deco bedroom decor is just as mesmerizing as it sounds.

RELATED: 5 Ways You Can Create a Modern Retro Bedroom Decor

This Art Decor Interior Design Project Will Blow Your Mind (2)

Designed to be a place to dream, this dreamy bedroom decor just calls for the lovers of sweet pinks and lovely tones. With plenty of golden tones and dark blue elements, this art decor bedroom is as big as you can imagine being.


This Art Decor Interior Design Project Will Blow Your Mind

With some classic tones, the architectural tones of this art deco bedroom style are significant and they transmit a sense of cool and collected aura. Pastel pinks dominate the room and while the room hasn’t any room to be covered, it isn’t cluttered.


This Art Decor Interior Design Project Will Blow Your Mind 5

mid-century modern A Journey Back In Time: Glamorous Mid-Century Modern Inspiration get price blog

This Art Decor Interior Design Project Will Blow Your Mind (2)

A majestic room isn’t complete without the right bedroom decor elements and in this case, everything seems to be handpicked to detail. From the queen size bed to the bedroom lighting pieces, the richness of the fabrics and the overall aura of the room.

This Art Decor Interior Design Project Will Blow Your Mind

We all know that blue and gold go hand in hand. This time, the picked choices of this bedroom style we’re the curious cactus as statues and the great, princess blue curtains that go so well in this bedroom decor. A perfect place to just sit and put on some Great Gatsby going, right?


This Art Decor Interior Design Project Will Blow Your Mind (2)

Lighting choices can be hard but this doesn’t mean that you can’t go for the pretty and luxurious kinds. From a big and beautiful chandelier to a modern dressing table lamp, colour is definitely the secret!


mid-century modern A Journey Back In Time: Glamorous Mid-Century Modern Inspiration get price blog

RELATED: 5 Ways You Can Create a Modern Retro Bedroom Decor

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