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5 Bedroom Design Mistakes And How To Fix Them

Bedrooms are usually the most intimate rooms of our homes and we often look past it, leaving it cluttered or simply never getting to renovate it. However, this is one of the rooms that deserves the most love as it should be peaceful, relaxing and simple, drawing away the stress of the daily life. Today, we’ll show you 5 bedroom design mistakes you’re probably making and how to fix them!

SEE ALSO: 5 Ways to Arrange Furniture in a Small Bedroom

Choosing The Wrong Bedside Table

5 Bedroom Design Mistakes And How To Fix Them

It doesn’t necessarily matter what you use as a bedside table but choosing a piece that’s the right height and size is essential. In fact, harmony and symmetry is one of the most important things to consider when decorating a bedroom so keep that in mind. Right height, both functionally and aesthetically, is at about the same level as the top of your mattress.


Limiting Your Lighting

5 Bedroom Design Mistakes And How To Fix Them

Make sure your bedroom has multiple lighting options; a mix of both task lighting and adjustable ambient lighting is the right combination. For example, if you read in bed every night, you’ll want a bedside lamp or sconce. Keep in mind that smart choices when it comes to lighting is the best way to go. Find solutions so you won’t have to get out of bed to turn off certain lights – it makes for a more comfortable bedroom.

Placing Rugs in The Wrong Spot

5 Bedroom Design Mistakes And How To Fix Them

To make the most of cozy ground cover, place it where it will be most appreciated when you wake up in the morning. This is a super simple switch that can make every morning a little more pleasant. If you have a big bedroom, placing a spacious rug that goes under the beg and covers all sides, is a very good choice.


Not Giving Your Tech A Proper Home

Some sleep experts recommend storing your tech devices away from your bed, but the truth is, most of us still keep our phones as bedside companions. If you don’t have a nightstand, consider placing a shelf to give you more storage space and have a spot to place your tech.

Forgetting To Feng Shui Your Bed

5 Bedroom Design Mistakes And How To Fix Them

According to this ancient Chinese philosophy for arranging your space, the bed should be in the “command position,” which is a spot away from the door, but positioned so that you can see the door. These are basic beliefs that are followed by many to get a bedroom that is truly comfortable.

READ MORE: 32 Best Bedroom Decor Ideas That Will Change Your Home Decor

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