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Experience What Makes Up A Mid-Century Modern Bedroom

Mid-century modern bedroom makes you want only more and more. It is kind of an addiction, seen once how beautiful it is acting in your room, you cannot get over it.

SEE ALSO: Mid-Century Side Tables That’ll Make You Fall In Love With The Mid-Century Style

Do you know anything about the 1940s and ’60s? In this time the mid-century design is born and carried a lot of thoughts like the romantic one: a good design is able to change everything, even lives. Mid-century modern homes combine functionality, accessibility and modern simplicity. Who knows, maybe it will change your life. Without trying we will never know more about this romantic idealist idea.

So here are some characteristics which bring you the mid-century much closer- would you like to know more? Then just read on.

Tapered LegsExperience What Makes Up A Mid-Century Modern Bedroom

One Signature of Mid-Century furniture is the tapered legs, which have the typical round and slender shape. This feature causes the furniture to create a floating impression on the viewer, or at least a weightlessness that other furniture can only dream of. For all the small places it is just a pleasure, and hey, one more extra: cleaning never was that easy- any moving furniture, no scratches on the beautiful floor.

The perfect start for a bedroom recommends a dresser, nightstand or bed frame atop tapered legs.

Natural WoodExperience What Makes Up A Mid-Century Modern Bedroom

In the 60’s one big movement was going natural. And of course, the modern mid-century trend is reflecting the happenings in this time period. You will find a lot of natural and unstained wood furniture in the trend. Look for the naked and beautiful pieces for example at your grandma’s basement or at some inspiring second-hand shops. There a lot of old lovely pieces that are just waiting for their rediscovering.

Editors Choice:

Experience What Makes Up A Mid-Century Modern Bedroom

Dandy Sideboard


Graphic Patterns

Experience What Makes Up A Mid-Century Modern BedroomReally important characteristics are also organic forms, geometric shapes and patterns-from simple to wild ones. Especially for your bedroom, do not be scared of risking your harmony, a fresh and fancy pattern can give your room a nice atmosphere and upload it with funny energy, so you can start your day just in the right mood. You can start with little steps, buy some graphic pillows for the beginning, and have a look at your reaction to it in daily life is.

Pastel Mid Century Bedroom Heaven

Experience What Makes Up A Mid-Century Modern Bedroom

Use some pastel colors to upgrade your most private space. It will give you some harmoniously and cozy feelings, and what do you want more from your bedroom

Editors Choice:

Experience What Makes Up A Mid-Century Modern Bedroom

Sophia Bed

Retro-inspired Accents

Experience What Makes Up A Mid-Century Modern Bedroom

Some more bedroom accessories: Like we already sum up the idea of getting some old pieces of your grandma here it is again! Use some Retro-inspired Accents to underline your mid-century modern home. From retro furniture to little decor pieces, everything is possible and really everything has an effect. With adding your retro-inspired accents you will also give this special extra personality touch to it! The best thing about it: nearly nobody else will have the same, so you really have your own special unique mid-century modern bedroom.


READ MORE: Coral Decor That You Should Definitely Welcome In Your Bedroom

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