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Find Out The Latest Trend In Children Room Decor

This time when it comes to children room decor it’s all about how you can reinvent your space and maximize the most of your room like child’s play! Because shades of blue and white never hurt anyone, we have just the right bedroom decor ideas for a plentiful summer.

SEE ALSO: Children Room Decor Ideas Like You’ve Never Seen Before

Find Out The Latest Trend In Children Room Decor 1

A bit of child’s play never hurt anyone right? This blue room has all the delicacy and the all the play you’ll want to gather within your child and your inner child as well. Complete your decor with a mid-century modern floor lamp, and you’ll see that any playroom will feel complete.

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Sinatra Floor | DelightFULL

Sinatra offers you a range of three articulating arms handmade in brass that are adjustable in a variety of different locations in order to allow you to situate the lights exactly as you need it. Perfect for a bit of reading time!

Mirrors Boca do Lobo

Find Out The Latest Trend In Children Room Decor 1

Once again, blue is the colour of the season. With a truly stunning bed by Circu, this is the perfect room to bring some fun and imagination! Parents will recognize the inspirations for this piece, one of the most remarkable vehicles ever produced and at the same time, one of the most iconic and magical symbols of fun and freedom! Few other vehicles have the ability to turn heads and conjure a spirit of freedom, adventure, and open roads.

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Diana Floor | DelightFULL

Diana, with its industrial taste, will fit like a glove if you are looking for something solid and steady. The blue colours only add a dream-like state to any room.

Luxury Safes GIF Boca do Lobo

Find Out The Latest Trend In Children Room Decor 1

Let’s be honest, who wouldn’t like to have a tent when we were little? This neo mint bedroom decor will be the smoothest and one of the most playful rooms of any home!

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Find Out The Latest Trend In Children Room Decor 7
Amy Table | DelightFULL

Amy will suit like a glove if you want to make your music inspirations pass through generations. Inspired by one of the icons of jazz music, Amy Winehouse, this vintage table lamp will soothe your pain of losing an iconic musician while keeping alive its welcoming lights when you’re having fun with your kids!

SEE ALSO: The Coolest Decorating Ideas For Your Kids Bedroom Design

Now that you’ve read and loved our article on Children Room Decor, feel free to pin all the images to your favorite Pinterest board or share them on social media. Don’t forget that you can visit our Pinterest Boards and find out the most outstanding bar stools and furniture ideas!


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